For tech professionals feeling stuck in an unfulfilling 9-5 job,

struggling to earn more, work less, and live free

Learn how to become a freedom freelancer in 4 simple steps

The exact steps I took to go from $5k to $15k per month, leveraging the skills I alreay had:

Our students have worked at:


The mastermind

6-week program



10+ hours of step-by-step training covering EVERY aspect of launching your 6-figure freelancing career. Attracting recruiters, finding projects, resumes & interviews, setting up your freelance business, hourly rates, invoicing, sales..

The only way to achieve 3 years worth of progress in 3 months is by having the right people around you. The Freedom Freelancing Mastermind provides you with personalized coaching with freelancers, recruiters and expert coaches, ready to guide you.

Join an exclusive mastermind of new and established freelancers and recruiters, dedicated to supporting and elevating fellow students, sharing tips and clients and sharing successes.

For those that feel stuck in an unfulfuilling 9-5 job

I followed the traditional path in life: I went through school, worked a regular 9-to-5 job and lived on a mediocre salary. I worked for someone else who decided when, what, and where I worked. The only free time I had was in the evenings and the weekends, which I used to numb myself of the fact that I was probably going to live this mediocre life until I could retire when I’m 70. And I had neither the time nor network, nor energy to “side hustle” my way out of the rat race..

But that all changed when I landed my first freelancing project as a tech professional. Which lead to me earning more than ¢300k in just over 2 years while having more control over my time and work. With the extra capital and fewer working hours, I reignited my old passion: creating videos. Fast forward a few years, and I've grown my own six-figure creative business, all while traveling the world with my fiancée.

Freelancing was the stepping stone to freedom. And now I'm teaching other tech professionals how to do the same.



Get Started Today – Become a Freedom Freelancer!

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Frequently asked questions

Who is this for?

For IT Professionals with at least 1+ years of experience in domains such as Data, Coding, Development, Cybersecurity, Software or Engineering.I’m going to walk you through how to turn your expertise, skills, and experience into a freelancing business that pays you 2x-5x your current 9-5 income.Aren't sure where to start? Then this is definitely for you.

Who are you? Why should I listen to you?

My name is Stefan Masnikovic. On the internet better known as "Stefanovic". Almost 5 years ago I decided to quit my $5000 per month corporate office job, to become a freelance Data Analyst earning $15,000 per month while working just 4 days per week.

I always knew I did not want to work an office job until I was 70+ years old. I had big dreams of starting my own business, traveling the world and creating a life of freedom. But I never saw a clear path that would get me there. Until a mentor and now good friend of mine convinced me to try working as a freelancer.

He was a freelancer himself, earning $150k per year, while having enough time to work on his own marketing business. He coached me, guided me and thought me tips and tricks to land my first freelance job.Because of his mentorship I was able to leverage the skills I already had, to earn more, while working less as a freelancer.

Because of this I was able to pursue my dream of building a creative business, while traveling the world with my fiance.Freelancing for me was the stepping stone to freedom. I’ve walked the talk. And now I want to help others accelerate their journey out of a 9-5 through freelancing.

Do I really need this to become a freelancer?

Real talk? No, you don’t need this. Plenty of people (including me) have successfully become a freelancer through trial & error, with the help of mentors and by using free resources.

But if you’re looking to save time by learning from my mistakes, skip the overwhelm & doubt and learn the exact steps I took to become a freelancer as fast as possible – then this is for you.

Isn't freelancing risky?

This has to be the most common question "want-to-be-freelancers" ask me.. And I always tell them the same thing my mentor told me once he started freelancing, and the same thing every student that has become a successful freelancer told me: "Why haven't I started freelancing earlier?"

Once you're a freelancer you'll understand that being an employee is actually way riskier.

Being dependent on just a monthly paycheck is not as safe and secure as having $15k come in on your bank account every month from diversified clients & projects that are lined up to work with you, without you even having to apply to jobs yourself. So no, I'd argue that being a regular employee is riskier than being a freelancer. And almost all freelancer and students of mine agree.

I don't trust "online courses"

I get it, there's a lot of scams out there. So the only 2 things I can say to establish trust with you are the following:

1: I have an online reputation to keep up. Which means I would never sell a product unless I poured my heart and soul into it, to make it more valuable than what I charge for it.

2: The Freedom Freelancing Mastermind is covered by a triple guarantee:

1. We only work together with people that we can 100% help. That's why you first fill out the form and book an application call, to see if we can help you

2. Stay until you're paid. If you join, you can stay in the mastermind for as long as you like. It's not a 8-week cohort where we kick you out after 8 weeks.

3. 2-week-perfect-fit guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with the Freedom Freelancing Mastermind, let me know or send an email to [email protected] - as long as you’ve purchased within the last 14 days, you’ll get a 100% refund. No questions asked. Nothing to lose.

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